Deputy Mayor of South Jakarta Edi Sumantri said the DKI Provincial Government had prepared assistance for victims affected by fires and refugees in Manggarai, South Jakarta. Assistance is prepared for the next week.
"Our preparation for handling the next 7 days, we prepare logistics for food, drinks, clean water clothing, and refugee camps," said Edi at the fire site, Tuesday, August 13.
So far, temporary shelters have been provided in warehouse buildings, places of worship, and school buildings. Edi said that his party had prepared additional evacuation posts to 5 points facilitated with a number of facilities.
"We also prepare toilets in refugee camps, clean water, drinking water, and food to anticipate all the needs of the refugees who come at these 5 points," said Edi.
In addition, the DKI Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Office also provides services for residents to want to process population documents that have been burned.
It was recorded that as many as 21 RTs were affected by the fire with 4,000 people displaced. At least 7 people were injured. As of this afternoon, firefighters are still cooling down the affected locations.
Initially, the fire occurred due to an electrical short from a battery charger or cellphone charger in one of the houses. However, the cause will still be confirmed after the handling is complete.
"This is still at the blackout stage, it has not been declared complete. Later, investigate," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Agency, Satriadi Gunawan.
This incident occurred at around 02.30 WIB. The fire department immediately dispatched 6 fire engines to handle the red rooster.
"It turned out that when the members and officers and units arrived, we saw that the fire had grown around RW 12 and RW 6," explained Satriadi.
Seeing the size of the flames, the Gulkarmat Service deployed an additional fire engine unit of up to 35 units and handled 125 personnel. Officers had difficulty finding water sources around the dense residential area.
"For water sources, it's quite far, but that's the initial obstacle that we faced. But with those 6 units we can cover until we get a water source point," said Satriadi.
During the blackout, firefighters broke into the wall so that they could reach all the hotspots.
"Because of that, to get to the point where the fire started, we have to break into the wall that is our obstacle. Well, it is an access that makes us effective for extinguishing it," he explained.
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