Intilijen FBI sedang melakukan penyelidikan terhadap upaya pemetasan diduga menargetkan pihak-pihak dari dua calon dalam Pilpres Amerika Serikat (AS) 2024.

Citing the Washington Post, this investigation includes a hacking attempt targeting three campaign staff of Republican presidential-vice presidential-vice presidential pairs while still carrying Joe Biden-Kamala Harris.

It is known that the Republican Party has now changed its candidate to Kamala Harris and her companion, Tim Walz.

"Our campaign is vigilantly monitoring and protecting against cyber threats, and we are not aware of any security breaches on our system," a Harris campaign team official told NBC News Tuesday, August 13.

The FBI's move also includes the investigation into alleged email hacking of former adviser to presidential candidate Donald Trump in the 2024 US Presidential Election contestation, Roger Stone.

A spokesman for Trump's campaign team said the campaign file in Stone's email was hacked in June 2024.

The FBI has not made further details regarding its investigation efforts.

Previously, Microsoft reported that Trump's campaign file in Stone's email was hacked last Friday. Furthermore, Trump's campaign team claimed the hacking of the file was part of Iran's hecker operation.

In response to this, Microsoft declined to comment on the grounds that the policy prohibits sharing customer details without permission. Microsoft could only share these details if customers asked for them officially.

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