The Palmerah Police managed to arrest a man with the initials SM (39) who brutally opened fire on Jalan Semangka II, RT 15/09, Jatipulo Village, Palmerah District, West Jakarta.
"We managed to arrest the perpetrators around Palmerah, West Jakarta," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Palmerah Police, AKP Ronny when confirmed, Tuesday, August 13.
The motive for the shooting occurred when the perpetrator with the initials SM caught fire jealous of his girlfriend with the initials AM (23) who was still meeting his ex-girlfriend with the initials MK.
From the results of the police investigation, apparently SM also has a wife. He also had an affair with AM (23), his girlfriend who was caught alone with his ex-girlfriend, the initials MK.
"From the results of the examination, the perpetrator bought the firearm from a man with the initials W and died about six months ago," he said.
SM (39) went berserk and brutally opened fire on Jalan Semangka II, RT 15/09, Jatipulo Village, Palmerah District, West Jakarta.
SM suddenly became a "street boy" after being burned by a jealous fire against his girlfriend with the initials AM (23) who met his ex-girlfriend with the initials MK.
Palmerah Police Chief, Kompol Sugiran confirmed the shooting at the scene. The perpetrator is neither a member of the National Police nor the TNI nor a drug controller in the Boncos Village area.
"So this is the motive for the third-sided love, the SM perpetrator is jealous of his girlfriend and the Constitutional Court. The man with the initials MK is AM's ex-girlfriend, the woman who was won by SM and MK," said Kompol Sugiran when confirmed, Tuesday, August 13.
The incident began when the Constitutional Court and AM were both in a park on Jalan Semangka. Then the SM perpetrator and his colleague with the initials SG went to AM ( SM's girlfriend) and MK.
Then there was an argument between the Constitutional Court and SM. Then SM, who had been burned by a jealous fire, immediately hit the Constitutional Court with his bare hands.
"Then the SM perpetrator took out a gun from his waist with the intention of shooting the Constitutional Court (former AM's girlfriend), but was prevented and dispersed to be held by AM, his girlfriend," he said.
After knowing that SM was blocked by AM, his girlfriend, the man with the initials MK, then ran to save himself towards Jalan Semangka II.
Because of anger at the Court's actions, the SM perpetrators continued to try to shoot the Constitutional Court because the firearm had been restrained. SM also invited his colleague with the initials SG to chase the Constitutional Court on a motorbike but was unable to catch up.
"Furthermore, the perpetrator's motorbike fell near the Jalan Semangka II bridge. Then the SM perpetrator got up and immediately fired his gun twice at the road blindly," he said.
As a result of the shooting, one resident was shot by a stray bullet which was destroyed by the SM perpetrator. Residents were shot in the thigh and then evacuated to Pelni Hospital.
Meanwhile, other residents who wanted to arrest the perpetrator, but the perpetrator again fired firearms into the air so that residents would not arrest him. The perpetrator then fled.
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