DENPASAR - The Bali Regional Police Forensic Laboratory examined the liquid found in the room in the case of the death of former Jembrana Regent Ida Bagus Ardana (84) and his wife Sri Wulan Trisna (64) at her home on Jalan Gurita, Setan, South Denpasar, Bali.
"There were several items found, such as glasses, fluids. They are still in the process of examining all of them at the TKP. There are no results yet, they are still in process," said Head of the Bali Police Labfor Division Kombes I Nyoman Sukena as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 12.
Sukena said that apart from the unknown type of liquid, the team also found several types of medicine in the room of the former Jembrana Regent Bagus Ardana.
He did not answer in more detail about the content of the liquid found.
Labfor itself has worked with Inafis and forensic doctors to test the liquid content and the drugs found.
The results of the examination, he said, will be announced in the next 2 days, because they must re-examine so that the results obtained from the examination can be more accurate.
This is important to find the cause of death of the former Jembrana Regent for the 1980-1990 period with his wife.
He also did not answer the possibility of a toxic content in the liquid in question.
"We only share chemical liquids, regarding toxicology examination. That (finger injection) is part of a criminal investigation investigator," he said.
Previously, Denpasar Police Criminal Investigation Investigators and Bali Police Biddokkes also secured the glass water the victim drank, on Saturday (10/8) at 14.00 WITA while processing the crime scene. Until now, the fingerprints on the glass are not known for sure.
The discovery of this corpse began with reports from residents and Ida Bagus Ardana's son-in-law to the Head of the Environment Karya Darma Putu Gede Igar Bramandika, Thursday (8/8) at 18.35 WITA.
The Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, explained when his son and son-in-law wanted to visit both of them at a house in Setan, South Denpasar, the door to the house was locked from the inside.
The two of them tried to open the door, but couldn't. Finally they contacted the local head of the neighborhood (keling) to help open the door.
"The son-in-law and Kaling entered the terrace of the house but smelled a pungent smell, because they suspected that Kaling finally contacted the Police/Babinkamtibmas, Babinsa, Pecalang and medical officers to jointly check into the house by breaking down the door," said Jansen.
After successfully entering, the two victims were found dead in a separate house.
The late Ida Bagus Ardana was found lying near the kitchen door while his wife was found dead lying on the bed and the two bodies had already emitted an unpleasant odor.
Ida Bagus Ardana was the former Regent of Jembrana for two terms. He has served since 1980-1985 and 1985-1990.
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