JAKARTA - The Projo DPP stated that it supports Ridwan Kamil as a candidate for governor of DKI Pilkada Jakarta. Projo emphasized that there was no empty box scenario like an issue that developed because the former governor of West Java was supported by a large coalition.

"We also need to respond, the development of the empty box narrative in the Jakarta Pilkada, the development of narratives about empty boxes in the Jakarta Pilkada and the narrative of irregularities. We emphasize here that the Projo DPP sees that there is no scenario for empty boxes, there are no attempts to prevent them," said the General Treasurer of Projo, Panel Barus at the DPP Projo office, Friday, August 9.

"These are just the narratives that are developed, yes, there are no empty box scenarios and efforts to tackle, nothing," he continued.

Projo, continued the Panel, actually saw the phenomenon of political parties turning around and supporting Ridwan Kamil when the man who is familiarly called RK was announced by Golkar as a candidate for governor of Jakarta. In fact, he said, the political party already had a previous governor candidate.

"Yes, what happened is that there is a dynamic where parties that previously wanted to support certain candidates may be re-calculating whether the candidate can win or not. If Projo believes in the Jakarta Pilkada we support Ridwan Kamil from the start, we are sure Ridwan Kamil can win. Because the history of the incumbent has never won, and everything that excels in the survey must lose," said the Panel.

"So there are no such efforts, there is no empty box scenario, we are ready to support Ridwan Kamil and win the Pilkada in Jakarta in good dignified ways," he concluded.

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