Attorney General ST Burhanuddin appointed Rudi Margono as Head of the Indonesian Attorney General's Education and Training Agency to replace Tony T. Spontana who has entered retirement or retirement.

Dalam proses pelantikan yang digelar di Gedung Utama Kejaksaan Agung, pada Rabu, 7 Agustus, Burhanuddin menyampaikan rotation anggota merupakan hal dalam institusi.

The goal is to maintain the existence of institutions to continue to grow in a better direction, as well as be useful for the regeneration of human resources and maintaining the dynamics of the Prosecutor's Office.

"Of course, both the predecessor and the official who became the successor were one of the thousands of the best Adhyaksa personnel who had gone through various processes of consideration and assessment so that they were deemed worthy to occupy high leadership positions in this institution," said Burhanuddin in his statement.

In addition, Burhanuddin also stated that the Indonesian Prosecutor's Education and Training Agency (Diklat) should not only be able to plan the curriculum and silabus relevant to current legal developments.

However, it must ensure the readiness of facilities and infrastructure that are able to support the needs of training participants so that learning can be carried out optimally and can produce Adhyaksa personnel who are able to face increasingly complex challenges and developments in legal dynamics.

The Education and Training Agency is a pillar for the Prosecutor's Office in facing the challenges of law enforcement. Without a capable Education and Training Agency, I believe we will find it difficult to find prosecutors who have good reasoning and legal analysis to apply in assignments," he explained.

The Attorney General also conveyed the achievements of the Education and Training Agency which has organized Functional Technical Training and Management and Leadership Training with 999 participants.

This achievement must be maintained or even exceeded during Rudi Margono's leadership.

"I hope this achievement will be a benchmark as well as an encouragement for the new Head of the Education and Training Agency to continue to perfect what is already there," said Burhanuddin.

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