JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives criticized the rules regarding the provision of contraceptive devices for students and adolescents that have just been issued by the government. The House of Representatives considers this to trigger free sex. Commission IX of the House of Representatives asked the Government to review the regulation because it is feared that it will have a long-term health impact, as well as have the potential to make teenagers enter into free sex relationships. The rules regarding the provision of contraceptive tools for students and adolescents are contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 concerning Health. Where the content of the regulation is related to the reproductive system's efforts according to cycles. "Be careful, if the failure of supervision is actually a poison for children's destroyer! The government must ensure that this policy is balanced with holistic sexual education and a sensitive approach to public values because it can backfire for young Indonesians," said Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Arzeti Bilbina, Tuesday, August 6. Arzeti of the DPR Arzeti Bilbina, Tuesday, August 6. Arzeti explained that the concerns over PP number 28 are very well founded because in article 103 which regulates the matter of contraceptive devices is not written in detail regarding students who are given education, so it is prone to be misinterpreted. I think there needs to be a clear explanation and education, because the sound of the article that can now make misinterpretation, saids. In Article 101 Paraly (1) PP 28/2024 stipulates that the reproductive system's efforts according to the life cycle include the health of the reproductive system of infants, toddlers, toddlers, and preschool children; health of adult reproductive systems; health of the reproductive system of the brides; and health of advanced age reproduced systems. More specifically, e. the provision of constraints, e.

Arzeti also considered that the regulation was not in line with the norms in Indonesia. Especially for teenagers who should not have sexual relations because it will affect their health. "Don't let this rule become the basis for young people to have sex outside of marriage. Apart from being normally prohibited, the health impact is also very influential," concluded Arzeti.

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