SEMARANG - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Semarang City found an act of sexual harassment committed by the head of the sub-district election committee (PPK). The head of the PPK with the initials MZ (35 years) committed immoral acts by kissing his cheek and immoral acts through a short message WhatsApp (WA).
Head of Semarang City Bawaslu Arief Rahman said there was an act by a man to send a message to a woman. They are fellow adhoc bodies at the sub-district level. For this action, Bawaslu gave a recommendation to the KPU to fire MZ.
"So, there is one act, we don't mention which area. It is considered inappropriate," he explained Monday, August 5.
Sementara Koordinator Divisi Penanganan Pelanggaran dan Data Informasi Bawaslu Kota Semarang Silvania Susanti mengatakan pelanggaran etik ditemukan setelah adanya laporan yang diterima Bawaslu. Dalam laporan yang disampaikan oleh anggota PPK, pelapor menyampaikan adanya dugaan perbuatan atau tindakan tidak pantas yang dilakukan oleh oknum ketua PPK.
In its report, the reporter attaches evidence in the form of screenshots of conversations via WhatsApp messages, as well as Decree on Determination and PPK Members for the 2024 Pilkada.
"The reported party has acknowledged that there was inappropriate action reported, then we forwarded it to the Semarang City KPU, where the contents of the letter stated that a permanent dismissal sanction from the chairman position as well as as a member of the related PPK," he explained.
In the initial study of the chairman and members of the Semarang City Bawaslu, the formal requirements did not meet the reporting period, but met the material requirements. Through plenary requirements, then establish the alleged violation into findings and will be followed by clarification of the reported and witnesses. After the clarification is made, his party prepares a study of alleged violations based on the results of clarification and regulations.
"Because the formal requirements are not met, according to applicable regulations, the report can be used as initial information on any alleged election violations," he added.
Silvia added that Bawaslu had recommended to the KPU to fire MZ. Because when asked for clarification, the reported party admitted that there had been inappropriate actions reported.
"Furthermore, we forward to the Semarang City KPU whose letter states that sanctions for permanent dismissal from the chairman position as well as as as members of the related PPK," he concluded.
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