BEKASI - The driver of the car, Didin Saepudin, was extorted by an unknown group of people (OTK) on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road Km 20 Lambangsari Kec. South Tambun, Bekasi Regency. As a result, the victim suffered losses of up to millions of rupiah.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi said the incident occurred on Saturday, August 3, at 17.44 WIB.

"It is true that extortion and violence occurred on the Jakarta-Cikampek Km 20 Lambangsari Toll Road," said Ade Ary in his statement, Sunday, August 4.

Ade Ary explained that the incident began when Didin had finished taking goods from Depok to Jatisari, Bekasi Regency. Arriving at the Jakarya-Cikampel Km20 Toll Road, the victim tried to extinguish his vehicle because he was afraid of problems with his car.

After the victim paused for a moment, the perpetrator did not come who was next to the window referring to a machete that had the victim's neck. Then, another perpetrator in the left window took his luggage.

"The victim and the victim were quite silent for fear of being hurt by the perpetrator next to the right because the machete stuck to his neck, after the perpetrator took the goods to go behind the car and could not be seen," he said.

For this incident, the victim suffered a loss of millions of rupiah because the cash and cellphones had been taken by the perpetrators.

After the incident, the victim made a report to the Bekasi Metro Police. The goal is for further action.

"Currently the case is being handled by the Bekasi Metro Police," he concluded.

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