JAKARTA - Chinese authorities on Wednesday tightened measures to control drone exports, requiring exporters to obtain export approval of certain drones and parts, prohibiting the export of all civilian drones aimed at military purposes.

In a joint announcement with three ministries, the Ministry of Trade (MOFCOM) said the steps to adjust export control measures on unmanned aircraft and certain related items were aimed at maintaining national security.

The drone, which has engines with a maximum continuum power of more than 16 kilowatts, as well as lasers, infrared imaging, radar and radio equipment that meet certain specifications, must obtain approval from the authorities before they can be exported, reads the notification.

For all unmanned aerial vehicles that are not included in the export control list or those that are not subject to temporary control, exporters will be barred from selling abroad if they know that these unmanned aircraft will be used for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorist activities, or military purposes, the notice said.

The export control measures will take effect on September 1, 2024, according to a notification issued jointly by MOFCOM, General Administration of Customs and Excise, and the Ministry of Equipment Development of China's Central Military Commission.

The adjustment comes one year after China announced export control measures on select drones in July 2023.

MOFCOM said on Wednesday the Bamboo Curtain Country had notified countries and related territories of the adjustment it was an international practice of imposing export control on high-performance drones that had certain military attributes.

The ministry explained that in recent years drone technology has grown rapidly, its implementation scenario continues to expand, as well as the risk of several high-standard and high-performance civilian drones being diverted for military use continues to increase.

"As the main drone manufacturer and exporter, China has decided to expand drone export control moderately based on evaluation and comprehensive demonstrations, and this is not targeting certain countries or territories," MOFCOM said.

The Chinese government firmly supports Chinese companies in international trade and unmanned aircraft cooperation in the civil field, against the illegal use of civilian crewed aircraft for non-peaceful purposes, against the frequent use of unmanned aircraft as an excuse by each country to impose illegal sanctions on Chinese companies and individuals, the ministry said.

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