Chairman of the Central Java Gerindra Party DPD Sudaryono said as much as possible this party would carry its cadres in the 2024 Semarang Mayor Election (Pilwakot).

"As much as possible, in all regional elections, Gerindra will encourage its cadres to move forward," said Sudaryono in Semarang as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 2.

However, he said, until now recommendations for Semarang Mayor Candidates from Gerindra have not decreased

"The city of Semarang has not yet been released, it is still being investigated," he added.

Until now, he continued, only 15 recommendations for regents and deputy regents and mayors have been issued in Central Java.

"All of this is the result of a long-standing thought, study and deepening," said the Deputy Minister of Agriculture.

Meanwhile, regarding the possibility of a coalition in the face of the regional elections, according to him, Gerindra encouraged cadres who would be entrusted with the party to cooperate.

A number of recommendations that have been issued by the Gerindra Party of Central Java include the head pair and deputy regional heads in Blora, Wonogiri, Pati, Kudus, Magelang, Kendal, and Karanganyar Regencies.

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