JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR RI strongly condemns the murder of residents in Yahukimo, Papua Mountains, which was allegedly carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua. Apart from being killed, the resident's car was also burned. "What the KKB has done in Papua is barbaric and heinous. They are terrorists who continue to carry out acts of terror and disturb the public!", said Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Prince Khairul Saleh, Friday, August 2. Pangeran pun mendesak Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) untuk segera menangkap sera menindak pelaku secara hukum. Menurutnya, Polri harus semakin berani untuk menindak KKB. "What the KKB is doing is very inhumane. The National Police must be more courageous in cracking down on these KKBs, because what they are doing has exceeded the limits of humanity, ” said the legislator for the South Kalimantan I electoral district. For information, the case in Yahukimo began when the victim named Abdul Muzakir, who was carrying 15 other people's passengers, was about to go to the location of the wood collection. Abdul, who is the driver of a CV, crossed the Kampung Massi road, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, Wednesday, July 31. However, when passing, suddenly the victim's car was intercepted by 6 KKB members who were carrying firearms and sharp weapons. Panicked, the victim then turned the car around but the car had an engine failure in a transverse position on the shoulder of the road. The victim, witness and passenger then fled. But unlucky, the victim was found dead covered in blood with many cuts, and the truck was burned. Pangeran assessed that the National Police must also ensure the condition of the 15 passengers who fled with the victim. He urged the security forces to immediately arrest and try the perpetrators of this violence. " “Make sure the other residents who fled the KKB in Yahukimo are safe. Every criminal act must be dealt with firmly, indiscriminately," said the PAN politician. It is known that the case of KKB violence is not the first. Previously, the KKB carried out a shootout in front of the community so that Papuans were restless and afraid in 2023.
Recently, KKB also burned schools in the Bintang Mountains where schools were educational facilities and infrastructure for Papuan children to become the nation's successors. KKB also often targets the apparatus and not a few TNI-Polri personnel become victims.

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