JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminded regional head candidates to immediately report their wealth. This report is a form of transparency and accountability of state administrators.

"We urge every candidate for governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent as well as mayor and deputy mayor or candidate for regional head to start submitting the state administrator's wealth report (LHKPN) as one of the registration requirements to the KPU," said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan in a written statement, Friday, August 2.

"LHKPN is not just an administrative obligation but as an instrument of transparency and accountability for assets owned by a state administrator so that it becomes an important stage of the regional head election," he continued.

Pahala said that the candidate for regional head will get convenience in reporting his wealth. In fact, the anti-corruption commission has issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 13 of 2024 concerning Technical Guidelines for Submission and Granting LHKPN Certificates in the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, as well as Mayors and Deputy Mayors.

"This guideline is designed to facilitate the reporting process and ensure that every prospective regional head candidate can meet the requirements set clearly and transparently," he said.

The details of the rules for submitting wealth reports for prospective regional heads are as follows:

1. For prospective candidates who do not have an LHKPN reporting account, they must register with the KPK to obtain a username and password in accordance with the procedures described in detail in the Circular. After obtaining an account, they must report LHKPN using the Type of Special Report;

2. For prospective candidates who already have an account but are currently not registered as Mandatory to Report LHKPN to an agency, they are required to contact the Directorate of PP LHKPN KPK to reactivate the account and then report LHKPN;

3. Bagi bakal calon yang sudah memiliki akun dan saat ini masih terdaftar sebagai Wajib LHKPN pada sebuah instansi, mereka dapat menyampaikan LHKPN sesuai dengan jabatan yang saat ini. Jika sudah melakukan submit pengaporan LHKPN di tahun 2024, baik pelaporan periodik 2023 maupun laporan khusus 2024, maka tanda penerima dari laporan tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai bukti pemenuhan kewajiban LHKPN

After submitting the report, verification will be carried out. If there is still data that is lacking, the anti-corruption commission will submit a notification.

"Bakal cakada is obliged to convey improvements to the completeness of the LHKPN no later than 30 calendar days after receiving the notification while still considering the time limit from the KPU, which is 27-29 August," said Pahala.

"In the event that the prospective candidate does not make the improvement in question, the KPK will not give a receipt in accordance with the provisions in force at the KPK," he concluded.

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