BOGOR - IPB University, Bogor, West Java, provides scholarship facilities so that students have no trouble finding tuition funds, and avoid illegal online loans (pinjol) or online. IPB University Deputy Chancellor Deni Noviana said 30 percent of IPB University students were scholarship recipients. "“ Those who have difficulty funding and so on are facilitated by looking for scholarship funding sources. The hope is that they will not be entangled in online loans or online gambling and so on, ” Deni said in Bogor Regency, Antara, Thursday, August 1. He also did not recommend students who were experiencing financial difficulties to rely on illegal loans. However, the campus actually helps students find solutions, one of which is providing scholarship facilities. "Jadi itu yang sudah kami lakukan, dan scholarship ini tentu bukan hanya untuk S1 tapi S1, S2, sampai dengan S3 juga kami fasilitasi,” ujarnya. Furthermore, Deni conveyed that as a form of preventing illegal loans, IPB University also routinely provides digital literacy every year. In fact, IPB is also working with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in providing digital literacy. With this preventive step, Deni hopes that not only students who have a digital literacy understanding, but also academic students such as lecturers and education personnel who are also prone to being involved in illegal loans.
"Jadi hal yang sifat edukasi kami lakukan, karena preventif tentu lebih baik daripada yang sudah terjadi,"” ucapnya.

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