JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, is concerned about the acts of violence carried out by the owner of a daycare place in Harjamukti, Cimanggis, Depok against children aged 2 years (toddlers). Strictly speaking, Puan asked the government to tighten supervision and regulations in child care (TPA).
"Children are life. They come from God, so no one, even if their own parents can hurt them. Violence against children cannot be tolerated," said Puan, Thursday, August 1.
The Central Java electoral district legislator supports the reporting made by the victim's parents to law enforcement. Puan assessed that there needs to be legal and psychological assistance for the victims and their families.
"It's very sad to know that small and innocent children experience acts of violence. The police must follow up and investigate cases of violence so that the perpetrators can be punished for their violence. Moreover, the information is that the perpetrators committed violence to several children," said Puan.
"Even though the victim is still 2 years old, his secret memory will continue to record the events he received, his unconsciousness records wounds and traumas. This must be restored for future development," continued the mother of two.
Apart from the victim and her parents, Puan assessed that psychological assistance also needed to be given to the perpetrators. Because said Puan, the perpetrators usually also experienced forms of violence so that her past trauma made her do the same thing.
"Although there is no justification for acts of violence committed, trauma or past wounds of the perpetrators who have been victims must be cured. So it needs to be traced by experts," explained Puan.
Puan also reminded the importance of supervision by the Government of child care places. This includes child tutoring institutions or Bimba which are currently mushrooming.
This supervision is something that must be considered. Considering that daycare is a non-formal institution, but still has to follow parenting protection guidelines," said Puan.
The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) is known to have initiated standardization and certification of service institutions to improve the quality of children in the field of fulfilling children's rights to care and the environment. This includes ensuring the creation of TPA or daycare for child-friendly SNI.
"We encourage that the program to improve the quality of daycare services be optimized and reach all regions. Because child safety is a priority," concluded Puan.
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