The Kupang National Water Conservation Area Center (BKKPN) handed over the results of the re-data collection of marine ecosystem damage in Gili Trawangan waters allegedly due to drilling activities to install pipes belonging to PT Tiara Citra Nirwana (TCN) to the Directorate General of Marine and Marine Management (Ditjen PKRL) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). "So, we have finished controlling the use of marine space and we have conveyed the results to the Directorate General of PKRL KKP," said BKKPN Kupang Coordinator for the Gili Trawangan, Meno, and Air Working Areas (Teramina) Martanina by telephone from Mataram, Antara, Thursday, August 1. Following up on the submission of data, he continued, the Directorate General of PKRL KKP will convey the results to the Benoa Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision (PSDKP) which has the authority to impose sanctions. "In addition to PSDKP, the Directorate General of PKRL KKP will later hand over our results to the entrepreneur concerned (PT TCN)," he said. He said that his party submitted the results of the re-collection of controlling the use of marine space and the impact of the drilling activities at the end of July 2024. "I just forgot, it looks like Monday (29/7) and we have also closed the results two days ago with the Directorate General of PKRL KKP," he said. Regarding the results of the re-data collection, Martanina refused to convey it in full, but he ensured that his party remained committed to controlling the use of marine space, especially in the Gili Tramena area which is one of the marine ecosystem conservation areas in NTB. "In-Sya-Allah KKP always 'On Track' and it remains in accordance with the existence of events and impacts, without overestimating or reducing," he said. Previously, Martanina said that the results of the re-data collection in general of the BKKPN still found mud deposits covering coral reefs in the Gili Trawangan waters with a thickness of up to 1 meter. The silt, which was recorded with an area of 1,660 square meters, was found around the pipe installation point belonging to PT TCN which salved from the ground to the seabed. BKKPN strongly suspects that the silt deposit came from the former installation of a pipe belonging to TCN. Regarding the results of the re-data collection of BKKPN, the Head of the Benoa PSDKP Base Marine Supervision Team Meisal Rachdiana said that his party had not received from the Directorate General of PKRL KKP. "We are still waiting for the letter (re-data collection) from the BKKPN. After it is, we will meet with our leaders and team at PSDKP," said Meisal. His party is waiting for the results of the re-data collection to become the basis for the application of sanctions referring to the rules of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, and Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2023 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law No. 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law. PT TCN is a private company that collaborates with PDAM Amerta Dayan Gunung, North Lombok Regency, in providing clean water in the Gili Trawangan tourist area. The company provides clean water from sea water distillation by applying the "Sea Water Reverse Osmosis" (SWRO) method.
The problem of marine ecosystem damage in Gili Trawangan waters which is suspected to be the impact of the installation of pipes belonging to PT TCN is also included in the handling of the NTB Police. The police handled this issue based on a follow-up to reports from the North Lombok Surak Agung community group.

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