JAKARTA - A foreign citizen (WNA) from Afghanistan was found dead at platform 1 Sudirman Station, Kendal Street, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 31.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Menteng Metro Police, AKP Marganda Siahaan, said the victim was Nazari Mohammad Yasin (36) from Afghanistan.

"The victim is an Afghan refugee with No. UNHCR ID REFUGEE: 186-15C0211. The victim lay dead on the tracks with facial injuries," said AKP Marganda when confirmed, Wednesday, July 31, evening.

The Menteng Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit, which received the report, immediately checked the crime scene and gathered witnesses related to the incident. One witness from PT KAI security with the initials S was questioned by the police regarding the incident.

"From witness testimony, at 04.30 WIB, the victim came to Sudirman Train Station. The victim jumped from platform 1 Sudirman Station when KRL passed through Tanah Abang, at around 05.15 WIB," he said.

Due to this incident, the victim of an Afghan citizen immediately died at the scene. The victim was then evacuated to the RSCM for an autopsy.

"Sudah cek TKP dan menerjunkan tim ident (identifikasi) Polres Jakarta Pusat. Jenazah dievakuasi ke RSCM dan VER Badan," katanya.

Until this news was written, the case was still being handled by the Menteng Metro Police.

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