TANGERANG - The City Government (Pemkot) of South Tangerang (Tangsel) is working on Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 which regulates the prohibition of selling cigarettes in retail per stick.

South Tangerang Mayor Benyamin Davnie said he would study getting high first regarding Presidential Regulation (Perpres).

"I will learn more about this Presidential Regulation (Presidential Regulation), which later may have several points that I have to lower at the city level with the mayor's decision," Benjamin said in his statement, Wednesday, July 31.

He said that currently the South Tangerang City Government already has a Regional Regulation (Perda) that discusses cigarettes.

Because for this Presidential Regulation, he will study it first and will form a special team related to the regulation.

"Regarding the Presidential Decree, the important thing is supervision. We will form a special team to monitor the Presidential Regulation. Not only from the Education Office but in other sectors. The team will be in schools and in other public spaces," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that President Joko Widodo signed Government Regulation Number 28 of 2024 regarding health which regulates the prohibition of selling tobacco products (smoking) at retail units per stick, except for cigars or electronic cigarettes.

This provision is stated in Article 434 paragraph (1) point c in the PP, as a copy of PP on the jdih.setneg.id page

"Everyone is prohibited from selling tobacco products and electronic cigarettes in retail units per stick, except for tobacco products in the form of cigars and electronic cigarettes," reads the provisions in the PP.

Article 434 also regulates the prohibition, namely the sale of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes using self-service machines, to everyone under the age of 21 and pregnant women, by placing tobacco products and electronic cigarettes in the area around the entrances and exits or places that are often traversed, within a radius of 200 meters of education units and children's playgrounds, as well as using website services or commercial electronic applications and social media.

However, in Article 434 paragraph (2), it is explained that sales using the services of websites or commercial electronic applications are allowed if there is age verification. The PP is the implementing rule of Law No. 17 of 2023 concerning Health.

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