JAKARTA - The prospective pair for the Regent of South Sorong Regency, Alfius Way and Husein Totarago, have received support from the Golkar Party to advance in the 2024 Pilkada. However, the support from the Golkar Party alone is not enough; they need at least one additional seat from other parties to ensure their steps towards the leadership position in South Sorong.

The Golkar Party has given a mandate to Alfi to compete in the Pilkada. Apart from Golkar, other parties such as PDIP, PAN, and Hanura have also expressed their support. "Indeed, for now only the Golkar Party has given us the task to run in the 2024 Pilkada. However, PDIP, PAN, and Hanura have also shown their support," said Alfi during a visit to the VOI Office, Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta, on July 30.

Currently, Alfi and Husein continue to communicate with other parties to obtain additional support. "Each party has its own mechanism in providing support to candidates for Regent and Deputy Regent who will advance in the Pilkada. We respect and wait for the process they are undergoing," he continued.

According to several political surveys in South Sorong, Alfi is in second place among the candidates who will fight in the 2024 Pilkada. In addition to support from the Golkar Party which has 3 seats, Alfi and Husein only need one additional seat from other parties that have committed to providing support.

"We are optimistic that we can increase the support of other parties besides those who have given us a letter of assignment. After that, we will fight in the Pilkada to get sympathy from the people of South Sorong," concluded Alfius Way.

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