North Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Gidion gave information regarding the incident of mistreatment of a two-year-old toddler by a married couple (couple) in the Cilincing area, North Jakarta, on Tuesday night, July 30.

In front of reporters, Kombes Gidion admitted that his party received a report Tuesday, July 30, 2024 from the KBN Hospital.

There was a child who was suspected of having unnatural violence, the injuries were unnatural, which he delivered by a husband and wife. Then we went to the hospital to conduct observations with the doctor, and we believe that the child is indeed a victim of domestic violence", explained Kombes Gidion, in North Jakarta, Wednesday, July 31.

Initially, the police only found out that the victim was 1 child. However, after a thorough check, there were two victims, the initials MF (2) RC (4).

Then from the results of the initial investigation, it turned out that there was one more child who was still hidden at home, in a warehouse that was also violent. The child, who was first two years old, suffered serious injuries, and was critical. One is also seriously injured and requires observation of treatment. " he said

The initial handling in this case, the role of Kombes Gidion, is to focus on dealing with victims to ensure their safety.

"In accordance with the SOP for handling child victims, the earliest is saving children. So we recommend that these two children be treated at the Police Hospital and receive intensive care from the police hospital doctor", said Gidion.

The first victim, who is currently two years old, is undergoing intensive care at the Police Hospital, and will carry out several operations in several parts of his body.

Even with the second victim who is also being treated at the Police Hospital, due to acute traumatic and dehydration.

Both of them are at the Police Hospital, the second is 4 years old, are brothers who are entrusted to the perpetrators.

Furthermore, the police have also named two suspects in this case, male ADT (23), and female BAG (21).

"The perpetrator or suspect, we have conducted a case title and named a suspect, namely the 23-year-old ADT male, then the 21-year-old BAG woman, husband and wife." explained Gidion.

Victims of MF (2) and RC (4) are the children of the perpetrator's cousin, ADT (23) male, and BAG (21) Woman. The families of the victims were divided, in Solo, and in Papua.

"Until today, the parents have not been able to attend here. And we have communicated for those concerned to come to Jakarta." Gidion concluded.

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