The Directorate of Drug Research of the West Papua Regional Police has named the Secretary of the South Sorong Regency KPU, Southwest Papua Province, with the initials MR alias Rudi (38) as a suspect in the case of drug abuse of methamphetamine type. West Papua Police Narcotics Director Kombes Pol Agustinus Fernando Indra Napitupulu in Manokwari, Tuesday, said the suspect was proven to have used drugs after the results of urine examination were declared positive and evidence was confiscated there were 16,131 grams. "The results of laboratory examination, positive methamphetamine. Urine suspects are also positive for methamphetamine and marijuana," said Indra Napitupulu in his statement to ANTARA, Monday 29 July.
His party invited all components of society in West Papua and Southwest Papua to play an active role in preventing illicit drug trafficking because it had a negative impact on health conditions. "Development is still ongoing to uncover drug networks. Immediately inform the police if the public knows there are drug transactions," said Ongky Isgunawan.
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