CIANJUR - Cianjur Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Cianjur Spatial Planning Service (PUTR) plans to build a water reservoir or reservoir in the Ciranjang Market area in 2025. Later the reservoir will be used to meet the water needs of the community, including agriculture.

Head of the Cianjur PUTR Service, Eri Rihandiar, said that in 2024 the construction of reservoirs in the Ciranjang Market area will only be technical planning work or DED, while physical implementation will be proposed to run in 2025.

"The plan is still in progress and there is no final budget plan (RAB) including the area of the reservoir to be built, but the picture will be quite wide because it will be used as a new tourist attraction," he said in Cianjur Friday, July 26, confiscated by Antara.

PDIA explained, on the land, tourism supporting facilities and infrastructure will be built such as parks and jogging tracks. The construction of the reservoir is a proposal from the Cianjur Trade and Industry Cooperative Office (Diskuperdagin).

Meanwhile, the function of reservoirs later for the irrigation of agricultural land, flood control and tourist attractions, will be carried out at the beginning of next year with a complete development target before the end of 2025.

"This is an effort by the local government to meet water needs for the community in increasing agricultural production results so that the sustainable food security program in Cianjur can be maintained," he said.

The Cianjur Regency Government built 42 bore wells in a number of sub-districts that are subject to drought during the dry season in order to increase agricultural products and meet the needs of clean water for residents.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman, said that the local government is intensifying food security programs, one of which is increasing agricultural production, so that during the dry land that has been abandoned can still be planted.

"The Cianjur Regency Government provides various assistance to farmers in an effort to increase agricultural production so that food security in Cianjur is maintained, including providing agricultural equipment assistance and capital assistance," he said.

He explained that throughout 2024 local governments through related agencies have built dozens of bore wells to help the community in meeting the needs of clean water and water for agriculture, with priority areas that often have difficulties during the dry season.

This includes providing water pumps to make it easier for farmers in rain fields to continue to produce production, especially rice fields and other food crops that have high economic value such as nuts, potatoes, tomatoes and chilies.

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