BOGOR - Chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto, said that children in Bogor City must be able to feel a sense of security and comfort, as well as affection from the surrounding environment.

To be able to realize this, Atang said that policies to realize child-friendly Bogors must be prioritized.

"We need to present a safe, comfortable, and fun environment for children so that they can grow and develop well. So that their rights are fulfilled so that they grow up to be positive individuals," explained Atang.

To realize this, regulatory instruments, priority policies, and collaborative synergies are needed with various parties.

For regulatory instruments, Atang said that currently the Bogor City DPRD is preparing a Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) initiative on the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Education Unit (PPKLP) and the Raperda on the Protection of Women and Children.

"We have a PPKLP Raperda to reduce acts of violence in the educational environment. Next is also a Raperda on child protection. Hopefully it can be completed within this year," said Atang.

Not only that, Atang also invited the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City, Syarifah Sofiah, to prepare child-friendly infrastructure and public spaces. So that the children of Bogor City can grow up covered in joy.

"We need to increase the number of public spaces to play and create children. It needs to be expanded in areas close to their homes. So, children will grow up to be healthy," explained Atang.

In addition to the two things, Atang also conveyed the need for more intense synergy and collaboration between various parties.

"Good communication and collaboration between the government, schools, parents, children, and children, God willing, will further strengthen efforts to minimize violations of children's rights", he concluded

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