JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, continues to make various efforts to prevent floods. This is because flooding has become a big problem for the city of Medan.

In addition to dredging the trench, this time, President Joko Widodo's son-in-law is coordinating and collaborating with several parties. The goal is still the same, namely to free Medan City from the flood.

"For this reason, yesterday I met directly with the Deliserdang Regency Government to collaborate in overcoming the flood problem in Medan City", said Bobby Nasution in his Instagram account, Monday, March 22.

During the meeting, said Bobby, his party also agreed to cooperate in overcoming cleanliness, inundation, flooding, and other problems.

"Moreover, there are indeed many areas in Medan which are directly adjacent to Deliserdang. I am sure that this meeting will bring goodness and blessings to both parties", said Bobby.

Bobby's post received responses from several netizens. Among other things, he advised the people of Medan to have a clean life. Because Bobby's performance will not be seen without community support.

"If the mayor has made efforts here and there to make changes to the city of Medan, now the people work together to dispose of garbage at their place ... I hope Medan city can become a pilot city for waste management and flood prevention ... I hope", said @indah_srg16.

Bobby's actions also getting support. "That's right, sir mayor ... especially the areas that intersect in the districts and cities, both the ditch and the road. Hopefully, there is a solution and the flood will be resolved soon ... amen ..", said @se.belumpapan.

"It is true that Medan is surrounded by the Deli Serdang area, which is the right step to work together in various aspects which are beneficial to both parties. Cooperation and cooperation between leaders, hopefully, the blessings for its citizens", said @nopenpurba_.

"Towards a city that is free from flooding and clean ... the collaboration that must be improved between the municipal government, district government and the community ...", said @ rolandsitio_44.

The Medan Tajir Promise

In the 2020 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada), Bobby Nasution promoted the Medan Tajir program. This program aims to make Medan City free from flooding.

"Medan Tajir or Medan without flooding (Medan Tanpa Banjir) is one of the priority programs that Aulia and I plan to solve the problem of flooding in the city of Medan. We ask for your prayers and support so that our intention to turn Medan into a city without flooding can be realized”, said Bobby Nasution, Thursday, October 8.

The problem of the Medan City flood, according to Jokowi's son-in-law, has never been resolved. Therefore, the Medan Tajir program has become a priority program with the vice mayor of Medan, Aulia Rachman.

In his Instagram account, Bobby included a video of the flood conditions and confided in the residents. Bobby also walked through the village on the riverbank.

"To solve this flood requires collaboration between the Medan City Government, North Sumatra Provincial Government, and the central government", said Bobby.

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