DENPASAR - Bali Province Satpol PP officers confiscated 56 kilograms of raw dog meat during an inspection of traders in Jembrana Regency and Buleleng Regency, Bali.

The head of the Bali Satpol PP, Dewa Nyoman Rai Dharmadi, said that during the inspection, the team found two traders in Jembrana Regency and one trader in Buleleng Regency, Bali, who were still actively selling.

"One trader in Bale Agung Bale Village, Jembrana Regency, received a warning and the Satpol PP secured 500 stabs (sates) of raw dog meat from this stall," said Dharmadi, in a written statement, Thursday, July 25.

Meanwhile, another trader in Palasari, Esani Village, Jembrana, was caught storing 56 kilograms of raw dog meat to be obtained for sale.

This trader had previously received a warning from the Satpol PP. Therefore, the Bali Provincial Satpol PP immediately made an examination report and traders had to attend the trial for violations of the regional regulation for distributing and trading dog meat.

Then, during an inspection conducted in Buleleng Regency, Bali Satpol PP found that one trader was still trading dog meat even though he had received guidance several times from Satpol PP.

The merchant even made a statement not to buy dog meat anymore.

Dharmadi revealed that decisive action in the form of minor criminal acts (tipiring) had to be carried out because this person did not heed the warning previously given, "Our traders are tipiring for a deterrent effect," he added.

He said, inspections on the circulation of dog meat will continue to be held and targeting places that have become predetermined targets. "Dog meat is not food, and it can also have the potential for rabies," he explained.

He hopes that the public will not consume dog meat because of potential risks for health.

"Don't believe your body that dog meat is healthy. It's misleading," he said.

This action will continue to be carried out and targeting other regencies and cities in Bali.

Meanwhile, one trader in Jembrana Regency will be tried on August 9, 2024, and one trader in Buleleng Regency on August 7, 2024.

Dharmadi also said that the Bali Regional Regulation (Perda), Number 5 of 2023 concerning the implementation of public order, public peace and community protection, in Article 28 paragraph 1 letter a has prohibited everyone from distributing and trading dog meat, and paragraph 1 letter d in the same article also prohibits everyone from torturing animals.

"This regional regulation is made for a good purpose, to prevent the public from taking health risks because they consume dog meat and because they are involved in risky practices ranging from arrests, transportation, killings, slaughterhouses, storage, processing and disposal of waste in dog meat trade and circulation activities. This regional regulation is not only to eliminate atrocities to animals, but also to the health goals of humans, animals, and the environment," he explained.

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