YOGYAKARTA - Tikus are often a problem that disturbs comfort at home. But when you want to get rid of rats at home, it's very difficult to catch them. They hide in remote places and cannot be reached by humans. If you experience these complaints, there is a way to lure rats out of hiding.

The presence of rats at home can not only interfere with comfort, but also has the potential to bring a disease that endangers the health of the occupants of the house. That is why the occupants of the house should immediately deal with the roaming rats before increasing and having a negative impact.

Rats usually hide in dark and hidden places, such as behind cupboards, under sofas, or attics. So how do you lure mice out of hiding to be easily caught?

Here are some ways you can do to lure mice out of their hiding places at home:

Tikus are very interested in foods with strong smells such as cheese, nuts, meat, or sweet foods. Place the bait in a place that is often passed by rats, such as near a small hole or a mouse lane that can be seen from the dirt. Make sure the bait is placed carefully so that the mouse feels safe to approach it.

A mouse trap is one of the effective ways to catch a mouse that comes out of hiding. Use a more secure and effective modern mouse trap, such as a trap that uses an automatic cover mechanism.

Place the trap in the rat lane or close to the nest, then add food bait to attract the attention of the mouse.

Rats are very sensitive to certain odors. You can use natural ingredients such as mint leaves, garlic, or vinegar that the mouse doesn't like the aroma.

Place these materials in areas that rats often pass to lure them out of their hiding places. In addition, sprays made from peppermint oil can also be used as an alternative.

The rat expulsion device with an ultrasonic voice is increasingly popular because it is effective in expelling mice without having to use chemicals. This tool produces high-frequency sounds that are not heard by humans but are very disturbing for mice.

Put the ultrasonic sound instrument near the area where the rats often live. The sound produced from the tool can get them out of their hiding.

Tikus are usually attracted to dirty houses and have a lot of food left over scattered. Make sure your house is always clean by regularly sweeping, shipping, and littering every day.

Keep food in an airproof container and avoid leaving the food open. With a clean house, the mouse will feel uncomfortable and it will be easier to get out of hiding.

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Rats often hide in small gaps in the house. Check all parts of the house to find a hole or slit that can be a hiding place for mice.

Cover the gap with strong materials, such as kasal wires or cement, to prevent mice from hiding in the same place again.

If the mouse population in your home is already very large and difficult to control, there is nothing wrong with calling for the professional services of pest control. They have special equipment and knowledge to deal with mice in an effective and safe way.

Those are some ways to lure mice out of their hidings that you can follow. By using bait, traps, certain smells, and maintaining the cleanliness of the house, you can lure mice out of hiding and solve the problem. Also read tips for cleaning the house ahead of Eid.

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