JAKARTA - Seth Rogen responded to James Franco's statement that their friendship was over. Both are Hollywood actors who collaborate through several films.

The two first met through the drama series 1999. Then they competed in various films, namely Pineapple Express, The Interview, and The Disaster Artist.

When James Franco was sued for sexual harassment in 2018, Seth Rogen distanced Franco until the actor felt it hurt him.

In 2024, James Franco said they hadn't spoken for a long time. He said, 'I don't talk to Seth anymore. I love Seth. We've had 20 years together well but I think it's all over.'

Recently, Seth Rogen was asked to respond to his friendship with James Franco. He admitted that he did not know Franco's statement.

"To be honest, I rarely read the media so I don't know," Seth Rogen told The Independent.

Previously, Seth Rogen was asked about the case experienced by James Franco. He claims he has no plans to work with his best friend.

"What I can say, I reject violence and harassment and I never cover up or accept someone doing it. My truth is nothing and I have no plans (working with Franco) now," he said.

In 2018, James Franco was sued by four students at an acting school. Franco denied the report but three years later, he paid the deal money.

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