SUKABUMI - Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) of the Greater Sukabumi Korda and the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Sukabumi City Branch, West Java, condemned the actions of local District Attorney officials who rebuked journalists during a press conference on Bhakti Adhyaksa Day 2024 in Sukabumi City, Monday, July 22, 2024.

"The actions of the Head of the Special Crimes Section are not at all justified, especially at that time in the middle of a press conference. They invited us but when asked they even rebuked or shouted loudly in public," said IJTI Chairman Korda Sukabumi Raya Apit Haeruman, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 23.

The chairman of the Sukabumi City PWI, Ikbal Zaelani, said that what the Sukabumi City Kejari officials were doing could damage the synergy between the Sukabumi City Kejari and journalists.

Initially, the press conference held in the courtyard of the Sukabumi City Prosecutor's Office went smoothly. Sukabumi City Prosecutor's Chief Setyowati briefly explained the investigation process into the alleged corruption case in the management of the Sukabumi Warehouse's assets for the 2023 budget.

After delivering the presentation, the number one person at the Sukabumi City Kejari then asked the Head of Special Investigation Unit of the Sukabumi City Kejari M Taufik Akbar to detail the progress of the investigation.

However, when one of the national online media reporters, asked about the disclosure of the alleged corruption case in the management of the Warehouse Market assets, a former Sukabumi Mayor was questioned, Taufik even rebuked and shouted at the wartawati in a high tone.

In fact, instead of answering questions from the reporter in question, he asked "why are journalists asking questions like this". As a result of the actions of the Sukabumi City Attorney General's Office officials, all journalists who attended the press conference were offended.

"Something natural, especially journalists, asked questions like that, especially since the resource person who was given the question was competent and had been asked by the Head of the Sukabumi City Attorney General's Office to explain the investigation of the corruption case being handled," he said.

Even though there has been an apology from the representatives of the Sukabumi City Kejari, the IJTI cannot accept the actions of the Head of Special Investigation Unit of the Sukabumi City Kejari, and has not even yet apologized for his actions.

Meanwhile, the Sukabumi City PWI will send an open letter to the Sukabumi City Kejari, so that the Head of Special Investigation Unit of the Sukabumi City Prosecutor's Office, M Taufik Akbar, apologizes to reporters.

The Head of Intelligence for the Sukabumi District Attorney's Office, David Razi, after the incident, represented the Sukabumi City Prosecutor's Office, apologizing for the unpleasant incident during a press conference and asking journalists to maintain the good relations that have been established for a long time.

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