JAKARTA - Witness Dede revealed his reason for opening an incident that was considered a real fact in the murder case of Vina and Eky Cirebon.
According to him, eight years of guilt prompted his courage to dare to convey the things he knew.
"Because I feel guilty. Even for 8 years I feel guilty, I want to reveal this. I'm just confused about how to reveal it. I don't have any assistants," said Dede at Peradi Tower, East Jakarta, Monday, July 22.
The guilt he felt became even more intense when he imagined that the convicts should be punished for their false statements.
They have to languish behind bars, while, he who has made a mistake can actually live freely.
"Even for 8 years I feel guilty. Imagine I live a good life here. What can I do, can get married, with my wife's children, while they are imprisoned in living wells. I feel guilty," he said.
Until finally, Dede admitted to making his determination to open the true incident behind the Vina Cirebon case.
In fact, this man stated that he was ready to be imprisoned for the lies he had told.
"Very willing sir. The important thing is that I want to go out freely like my life yesterday, sir. I feel guilty. I am ready even though I have to be imprisoned to replace 7 people, I am ready," said Dede.
Meanwhile, the murder case of Vina and Eky Cirebon occurred in 2016. Based on the ongoing legal process, there were 8 people named as suspects.
Rivaldi Aditya Wardana, Eko Ramadhani, Hadi Saputra, Jaya, Eka Sandi, Sudirman, Supriyanto, and Saka Tatal.
Then, from the court's decision, seven of them were found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Meanwhile, Saka Tatal was only sentenced to 8 years in prison because at that time he was a minor.
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