MEDAN-Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution and Regent of Asahan Surya are starting with the latest steps regarding the 2024 North Sumatra Governor and Deputy Governor Election (Pilgub). This step is to prepare for vision, mission, and strategy.

Not to forget that President Joko Widodo's son-in-law (Jokowi) emphasized that he is still communicating with other political parties (political parties) to add coalition carriages related to his candidacy.

"What is certain is that we will continue to communicate with coalition parties and of course we will prepare for vision, mission and strategy, we will concrete it," said Bobby.

This was conveyed by him at the plantation soccer field of PTPN 3 Minbang Muda, Kualuh Hulu District, North Labuhanbatu Regency on Sunday.

Bobby revealed that he would continue to solve problems in the city and in the district. The reason is that he is still the mayor of Medan and Surya is still the regent of Asahan.

"Today I am still tasked with being the mayor of Medan and Pak Surya is still serving as the regent of Asahan, of course we can take the problem of'shopping', both in urban areas and in problems in this district and of course we will try to collect them one by one," he explained.

Bobby emphasized that Surya's candidacy as a candidate for deputy governor (readwagub) has received approval from the coalition party.

"We continue to communicate, we continue to convey about yesterday's representative, we have agreed with Surya," he explained.

It is known that the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution and the Regent of Asahan Surya have been officially supported by the Golkar Party and Gerindra to run in the 2024 North Sumatra gubernatorial election. Bobby himself has received support from six other political parties, namely the Gerindra Party, Golkar, PAN, PKB, Nasdem and the Democratic Party.

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