JAKARTA - PDIP is closing in to PKB and NasDem to cooperate in the 2024 East Java gubernatorial election.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said Abdullah in response to Khofifah Indar Parawansa's strong electability in the Kompas Research and Development survey for the East Java gubernatorial election.

Said considered it natural that the TriRismaharini survey was still far below Khofifah. Because according to him, the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) and PDIP cadres have not declared themselves to run in the 2024 East Java Pilkada.

"The problem is, Risma (the survey, red) is still below, because Risma has never been declared," Said told reporters, Friday, July 19.

Said then revealed that his party had communicated with PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar and East Java PKB DPW Chairman Abdul Halim Iskandar regarding the cooperation plan in the East Java Pilkada.

Said said, PKB proposed Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figure Marzuki Mustamar to be nominated as governor.

"We have spoken with Gus Halim, Chairman of the East Java PKB DPW, and have also met Gus Imin as chairman," said the member of the DPR for the East Java electoral district.

Apart from PKB, his party has also spoken with the ranks of regional administrators or the East Java NasDem DPW regarding cooperation in the regional elections later. He is optimistic that the PDIP, PKB and NasDem collaboration will be commensurate opponents for the Khofifah-Emil Dardak pair.

"From these three powers, God willing, it will be a balance for other contestants," said the chairman of the DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar).

However, the matter of the cagub figure to be carried by the three political parties has not yet been decided. Because Said said, the discussion was still very fluid.

"I think he wants from PKB the first person, whether from PDIP the first person, we will sit down together with PKB and NasDem," he concluded.

The Kompasmerilis R&D related to the electability of figures who have the potential to become governor candidates in the East Java 2024 Pilkada. As a result, the former Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, was strong in first place with an electability rate of 26.8 percent.

As incumbent, Khofifah still outperforms the Minister of Social Affairs and former Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, who is in second place with 13.6 percent.

"Although half of the respondents tend not to make a choice, the figure of former East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa occupies the top position with an electability rate of 26.8 percent," wrote Litbang Kompas statement released on Friday, July 19.

Meanwhile, in third position, former Deputy Governor Emil Dardak occupied with 3.8 percent electability. Fourth, Pasuruan Mayor Saifullah Yusuf with 1.8 percent.

Then followed by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi in fifth position with 0.8 percent and the sixth former Chairman of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Regional Management, Marzuki Mustamar with 0.4 percent.

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