JAKARTA - Chairman of the Colombian football federation Ramon Jeserun (71 years) and his son were arrested in Miami, United States (US) on suspicion of fighting security guards after the Copa America final which witnessed a chaotic scene around the stadium, the Miami-Dade police.
The final match on Sunday, where Colombia lost to Argentina, began an hour late after police blockaded the area that trapped hundreds of fans outside Florida's Hard Rock Stadium.
Videos on social media showed security officers clashing with fans trying to break through the gates.
Reported by Reuters on Tuesday, July 16, both Ramon Jeserun, federation president, and his 43-year-old son Ramon Jamil were arrested after riots at the stadium shortly after midnight, according to an arrest report by Miami police, alleging the two men carried out the attack.
Jeserun and his son were charged after fighting security guards in a tunnel where media gathered after the match, according to police reports.
Including a uniformed security officer who was in charge of detaining the crowd. According to the police, Jeserun's son grabbed the guard's neck and pulled it to the ground, then he punched and kicked him in the head.
The Colombian football federation declined to comment.
Dozens of fans were arrested in the Copa America final and more than 50 people were evicted from the premises, with 800 law enforcement officers deployed.
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