JAKARTA - The construction of VVIP Airport in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan is hampered by weather. Where, the rain occurred continuously in the area. Even so, the Ministry of Transportation is optimistic that VVIP IKN Airport can be used in August 2024 to support the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the construction of IKN VVIP Airport was still ongoing. He said the progress had reached more than 50 percent.

"God willing, it can be used in August, yes, it is being worked on. (The progress) is more (50 percent)," he said when met at Harjamukti LRT Station, Depok, West Java, Sunday, July 14.

Previously, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that the biggest challenge for the construction of IKN Airport was continuous rain in the East Kalimantan region.

Therefore, Budi instructed the weather modification to continue to be improved in the next few months, so that the construction of the IKN airport would be optimal.

From the discussion during meetings and experiences that I experienced on the ground, the biggest challenge in infrastructure development at IKN was the weather. Please note, the rainfall in the East Kalimantan region is quite high in the past month, even only eight days of sunny weather. Therefore, the modification of the weather is a must," Budi said in an official statement, Saturday, July 13.

Of the total 30 days, continued Budi, it is only 8 sunny days in the IKN area. If this condition continues, the target for the construction of a number of IKN Airport facilities has the potential to be withdrawn from the initial plan. BMKG has made efforts to modify the weather and generally has succeeded in reducing the intensity of rain.

"I ask for the modification of the weather in the East Kalimantan region to be increased in cooperation with all stakeholders. I hope this step can support the acceleration of infrastructure development in the IKN area as a whole. Please pray from all Indonesian people so that the various efforts made can produce the best results," explained the Minister of Transportation.

During his visit to the IKN Airport construction project, Budi reviewed several points, one of which was the airport terminal building. According to him, the progress of development in this location is generally good and can continue to be maximized.

"The access road to the airport can be passed. Other works that are currently being carried out include installing ceilings to electrical mechanics," explained the Minister of Transportation.

Budi also said that the construction of the functional runway for IKN Airport to welcome the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia was sought up to 2,200 meters.

The runway is carried out by the Ministry of PUPR and is carried out very well, according to procedures, and is confirmed to have met international standard security.

"I appreciate the Minister of PUPR and his staff and workers who have worked hard to complete this airport project. This contribution is very, very meaningful for the progress of the country," said the Minister of Transportation.

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