JAKARYA - In almost every area in Indonesia, traces of social conflict and environmental damage are found in the mining ring area. However, even though there are records and traces of conflict, the revocation of mining businesses cannot be carried out in origin. Instead, it must be carried out in a transparent manner and through mechanisms or processes that comply with statutory provisions and regulations.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Sugeng Suparwoto in a discussion forum entitled "Mitigation of Mining with Technical Involvement of Capital Work Potential Community Capital", Jakarta, July 12.

Sugeng mentioned his reference in Article 119 of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009.

"Meanwhile, the process of lifting an IUP based on Article 185 paragraph 2 of Government Regulation Number 96 of 2001 concerning the Implementation of Minerba Mining Business Activities begins with the application of administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings, temporary suspension of part or all exploration or production operations, and revocation," explained Sugeng.

Meanwhile, mining law expert, Dr. Ahmad Redi, revealed that although legally the Mining Business License (IUP) can be given to cooperatives and individuals, the practice is more given to corporations. "Legally, there are already provisions that allow IUP to be given to cooperatives and individuals. However, the practice is more given to corporations," said Dr. Ahmad Redi to VOI through a written message.

Redi emphasized the importance of taking sides with the people through participation in mining business activities. He emphasized that the involvement of the people, both in the context of capital and the acquisition of IUP to cooperatives, must be prioritized. "Through this forum, we can consolidate so that policy makers, especially the DPR and the central government, ensure that the people must be involved," he added.

Redi also believes that mining management by the people themselves through the people's mining permit is a better step, especially in the Riau Islands (Kepri) which has great mining potential but the community's involvement is still minimal.

He hopes that the discussion in this forum can be an important input for the DPR Commission 7 so that the aspirations of the people in Riau Islands can be followed up and used as a reference for mining business activities at the national level.

"This proposal is very important for sustainable mining that is in favor of the interests of the people," concluded Redi.

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