JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) presented a number of witnesses from banks and contractors in a follow-up trial of the alleged bribery and money laundering (TPPU) case of the former Governor of North Maluku (Malut) Abdul Gani Kasuba (AGK).

All witnesses presented by the KPK prosecutor at the trial at the Ternate District Corruption Court, Thursday, July 11, testified to the defendants Ridwan Arsan and Ramadhan Ibrahim.

The KPK prosecutor also asked many witnesses from the banking sector about the flow of money transactions flowing to Ramadan Ibrahim, known as an aide to the former Governor of North Maluku AGK.

The witnesses presented from the banking sector were Bank Maluku-Malut employee, M. Alagir Assagaf; BCA employee, Gunito Wicaksono; BNI employee, Alien Maulani; BRI employee, Oktavera Tobing.

Furthermore, from the private sector, namely businessman Sukardi Marsaoly; contractor, Jervis Giovanny Leo; contractor, Gamalia Kaunar; contractor, Said Banyo; contractor/leader company, Umar Djafar Albaar; and owner of the credit counter, Kamarudin Kunup.

In this trial, contractor witness Said Banyo admitted that he lent Rp590 million to the former Head of PUPR Malut Saifuddin Djuba and transferred money to the aide to the former Governor of North Maluku, Ramadhan Ibrahim.

According to Said, the money transferred to Ramadhan Ibrahim's aide was loan money from the Head of PUPR which was replaced in installments.

Therefore, the KPK has blocked the account belonging to the defendant Ramadhan Ibrahim at BNI and Grayu's Cindi Claudia account for a transaction of IDR 3.4 billion.

Likewise, another witness, Umar Djafar Albaar, handed over cash amounting to Rp20 million for gifts to AGK through Ramadan when he was about to leave for Umrah.

The day before, in the same case, the KPK prosecutor presented 14 witnesses.

Those who were presented as witnesses in the case of accepting bribes and gratuities of buying and selling positions with the defendant, the former Governor of North Maluku, AGK.

According to the KPK prosecutor, Greafik, those presented as witnesses included the Head of the Muhammad Miftah Bay Regional Personnel Agency, Head of BPKAD Ahmad Purbaya, Head of the Mineral Resources Energy Service Suryanto Andili, Head of the Forestry Service M. Sukur Lila, former Head of the General Bureau Jamaludin Wua, Head of the Environmental Service Fachruddin Tukuboya, Head of the Health Service dr. Idhar Sidi Umar.

Head of Bappeda Sarmin Adam, Head of the Trade Office Yudhitya Wahab, former Chairman of the North Maluku ULP Pokja II Abdul Hasan Tarate, Chairman of the VI Working Group of BPBJ Yusman Dumade, Husnawati, Noldi Kasim, M. Samin, M. Saleh, and Maftuch.

In the trial with the agenda of examining witnesses, he was led directly by Chief Justice Francis Pilarbolon accompanied by 4 other members, namely and R. Moh. Yakob Widodo.

The head of the North Maluku BKD, Miftah Baay, was for example asked by the KPK prosecutor about the letter submitted to appoint Imran Yakub as Kadikjar through an open selection.

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