JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, representing her family, received a special award given to the late Taufiq Kiemas. He also invited the public and all groups to inherit his father's spirit in building Indonesia.

The award for the late Taufiq Kiemas was awarded at the CNN Indonesia Award held by the CT Corps in Palembang, Wednesday night, July 10. Taufiq Kiemas received the Lifetime Achievement Award for the extraordinary service of the Chairperson of the MPR for the 2009-2013 period to Nationalism and Unity.

The award is a form of acknowledgment of Taufiq Kiemas as an extraordinary figure who has contributed greatly to the development and great contribution to the region. The late Taufiq Kiemas is the son of the Palembang area.

Wearing clothes from the Palembang Jumputan cloth, Puan received an award trophy which was handed over by the Chairman of CT Corp, Chairul Tanjung. On behalf of his family, he thanked the Extraordinary Development to Unity and Nationalism award for the late Taufiq Kiemas.

"On behalf of Mr. Taufiq Kiemas and Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for the Lifetime Achievement Award given to Mr. Taufiq Kiemas," said Puan in her speech.

Putri Taufiq Kiemas and the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri also admitted that they were proud and happy to be present directly representing the family receiving the award for their father. Moreover, said Puan, the award ceremony was held in Taufiq Kiemas' hometown.

"Especially for me who is here to represent him, the late Mr. Taufiq Kiemas is present in Palembang as Wong Kito. So the one who is here is Wong Kito Galo, we all have to go first," he said.

Puan admitted that she always took the time to come on the agenda of the event which was held in Palembang. He said this award was proof that the late Taufiq Kiemas was not only the pride of the family, but also the pride of the Indonesian nation.

"My father is very aware that Indonesia's diversity must be a source of strength from all forces in Indonesia, not a source of division," said Puan.

Puan also quoted Chairul Tanjung's statement as saying that many people miss the figure of Taufiq Kiemas because the deceased is a figure who is considered a statesman who can unite various differences.

"Mr. Taufiq Kiemas can unite young, male and female faces, even different ethnicities and religions without us feeling 'how come they are too old, we are too young'. I also feel it," he said.

Puan admitted that since childhood she was often invited to gather and communicate with Taufiq Kiemas and Megawati's colleagues, the majority of whom were political figures or national figures. This experience is now useful because he is now working with these figures.

"I used to have to gather with my seniors, whom I used to call Om, while now my uncles have become my friends, although I still call uncle," said Puan, greeted by laughter from the invited guests.

"So if the others call him sir, I call him uncle because from a young age I have been invited to communicate and be friends with them," he continued.

Puan also said that Taufiq Kiemas always taught how the mandate of office is a respect that must be maintained. He then recalled when Taufiq Kiemas was given the mandate to become Chairman of the MPR.

"I still remember when the deceased was asked to be the Chair of the People's Consultative Assembly in 2009. Mr. Taufiq Kiemas said he was willing to become the Chair of the MPR if he was elected by deliberation and consensus," recalled Puan.," The deceased did not want the process of selecting the Chairperson of the MPR to be a split event, but instead became an event that united various elements of the nation. For us, it shows that the late Mr. Taufiq Kiemas really touched on the spirit of gotong royong, "continued the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

According to Puan, this spirit also encourages Taufiq Kiemas to produce innovations in order to strengthen the life of the nation and state with the Socialization of the Four Pillars of the Nation and the State (which later became the Socialization of the Four Pillars of the MPR RI) namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Taufiq Kiemas is also remembered as the Father of the Four Pillars of the MPR RI. "This award is not only a tribute to him, but also a reminder for all of us to continue to maintain and strengthen national unity," said Puan.

"That it's okay for us to be different, but don't forget that there is something more important than all of that, namely maintaining unity and integrity to strengthen this nation," he added.

Puan also quoted the words that were often conveyed by Taufiq Kiemas that Indonesia would be big and strong if all united in building the nation and state.

"I can imagine that Mr. Taufiq Kiemas said 'Let's strengthen unity for the people, for the nation'. So I invite all of us so that we can inherit and keep the fire of the struggle of the late Mr. Taufiq Kiemas," said Puan.

Bung Karno's grandson invited all Indonesian people from various components and levels of society to build Indonesia with mutual cooperation. Puan emphasized that all Indonesian citizens must be able to unite to build the nation in the spirit of unity and integrity.

"In addition to the four pillars of nationality, I also always remember what he always said that Indonesia would be great if we built Indonesia together, we built together, without the need to feel that we are not brothers," said Puan.

"We are brothers, we are always brothers, and we are Indonesian citizens and we are Indonesians who will be strong if they are brothers," added Puan.

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