JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that eight of its employees who were caught playing online gambling (judol) deposited deposits of up to IDR 16.8 million in 2023. The transactions were carried out hundreds of times.
"The total deposit in 2023 is IDR 16,872,500 with a total deposit frequency of 151 times," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, July 10.
Tessa kemudian memerinci pegawai melakukan transaksi paling besar mencapai Rp10 juta dengan fresensi 71 kali penyetoran deposito. “ Dan yang paling kecil adalah Rp200rb dengan dua kali transaksi,” tegas juru bicara berlatar balik penyidik itu.
"The real thing is for eight KPK employees during 2023 it will only be Rp. 16.8 million," continued Tessa.
As previously reported, KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata said the data on employees who played online gambling had been pocketed. Checks have been made and the results of 17 are only eight who are still working.
"Regarding online gambling, yes, it is true that the leadership has received a report from the task force," Alexander Marwata told reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 9.
"There are 17 employees; but after being viewed in the personnel data, it turns out that there are only eight KPK employees, yes, eight people (involved in, red), nine of whom have been checked on staff, not KPK employees,” he continued.
The eight people are currently being followed up by the Inspectorate. “ Pimpinan has ordered to clarify to employees who are still KPK employees, ” said Alexander.
While the other nine are said to have been dismissed. Among them were caught in cases internally, such as gold procurement from confiscated evidence to illegal levies at detention centers (rutan).
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