The joint team from the East Jakarta Metro Police and the Duren Sawit Police managed to identify the body of a man with a bloodied face in a 3rd-story luxury house in Block C, Number 10, Buaran Regency Housing, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta.

"After we carried out the crime scene, the victim's body had torn wounds on the right side of the temple," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to VOI at the scene, Tuesday, July 9, evening.

The police also identified the identity of the victim. The victim is known to have the initials MS, elderly. Meanwhile, the results of the crime scene (TKP), the wounds on the victim's body were allegedly caused by the victim's actions.

"It is estimated that the person concerned injured himself because of information from the family that he was addicted to drugs. He was depressed," he said.

Although there were wounds on the victim's body, there were no signs of a criminal act. This was also confirmed by the existence of a certificate from the hospital regarding the alleged victim MS experiencing depression.

"We have seen a certificate from the hospital and the drugs consumed by the victim. Meanwhile, there is no element that leads to a criminal act," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a man was found dead in a luxury house located in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta on Tuesday, July 9, evening.

When found, the man was already in a body position hanging from a room on the 3rd floor. The victim was found shirtless. Around his neck there is a rope attached up.

However, the victim's body shows an expansion. Joint officers from the East Jakarta Metro Police and Duren Sawit Police came to the scene at around 19.00 WIB.

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