The General Election Commission (KPU) has opened its voice about the opportunity to again provide opportunities for candidate pairs (paslon) for individual or independent regional heads to prepare registration requirements for the 2024 Pilkada.
Because, in undergoing the pre-registration stage, the independent candidate pair will still refer to the old regulations. Meanwhile, the KPU has now issued a new regulation regarding the nomination of the Supreme Court (MA) decision.
KPU commissioner Idham Holik said that his party had held discussions with representatives of the Ministry of Home Affairs, regional KPU, and electoral NGOs to discuss this matter.
As a result, the KPU will consult with the DPR and the government to discuss the possibility of the stages of handing over non-party candidate pairs support to reopen.
"Every formation or change of PKPU must be consulted with the drafters of the law, in this case the DPR and the government. This is regulated in the Constitutional Court's decision," said Idham when contacted, Tuesday, July 8.
Idham admitted that if the stage was reopened after consultations with the DPR-government were carried out, the KPU only had very short time to process it to verify the terms of support for independent candidate pairs.
However, Idham emphasized that this process needs to be carried out for the sake of legal certainty in the 2024 Pilkada stage.
"One of the principles in organizing the regional elections is the principle of legal certainty. The implementation of the pilkada stage refers to the rule of law, in this case PKPU. The PKPU can be changed after conducting a consultation meeting with the legislators," explained Idham.
It is known that the independent candidate pair will have to meet the support requirements in the form of collecting residents' ID cards before registering as candidates for regional heads. However, now the stages of fulfilling the support requirements have been closed.
Meanwhile, recently the Supreme Court issued a decision determining the age limit for candidates for governor-deputy governor at least 30 years, as well as candidates for regent-deputy regent/mayor-deputy mayor for at least 25 years, starting from the inauguration of the elected candidate pair.
So, at this time, there is a double standard regarding the rights of candidate pairs to be promoted by political parties with those who will run an independent path.
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