TANGERANG - Indra, the parents of a child in Cisauk revealed that his son, apart from being suspected of being a victim of sexual abuse of the same sex by a junior high school boy with the initials M (13), also suffered beatings and bullying by the alleged perpetrators.

"In addition to immoral acts, the perpetrators like to ask the victims for money, some are asked for 10 thousand, if they don't like being beaten or even threatened," said Indra when confirmed, Sunday, July 7.

Indra revealed that none of the victims fought against the perpetrators. Because M has a bigger posture and is far above the victims.

So that the perpetrators who have strength, said Indra, often beat the victims if they reject the request from the junior high school student.

"The perpetrator likes to beat, threaten, bully," he said.

Therefore, when he found out that his son had experienced sexual abuse and was beaten by the alleged perpetrator. Therefore report to the South Tangerang Police.

"We have made a report. There are 7 people who have made a report. The rest chose to be reluctant to report because they were part of the perpetrator's brother," he said

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI), Seto Mulyadi or Kak Seto, assessed that the actions carried out by the perpetrators were the negative impact of the spectacle seen.

"Yes (the persecution of the film) as a result invites you to become a victim so that the films you see are aroused," said Kak Seto.

In addition, Seto also suspects that his actions were based on the perpetrator's experience. So doing the same thing when he was an adult.

Not only that, the attitude of the perpetrators themselves tends to have psychological problems, resulting in deviant behaviors.

"On average, the perpetrators used to be victims of sexual crimes, including those of the same sex," he said.

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