The Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, confirmed that the examination of the witness in the alleged abuse of female students Nurul Izzati who had died after undergoing medical treatment at the hospital, from the Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) was still ongoing.

"For the day, there are indeed several witnesses from the hut that we examined today. Next, we will definitely return to examine witnesses from the boarding school," said Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 4.

Yogi has not revealed who the next witnesses will be in line for the investigator's examination. However, all of the witnesses who underwent examination today were present according to the summons.

"Yes, the four witnesses from the hut we summoned today were all present. They are from female students, room supervisors and homeroom teachers. Those who are underage students, we provide assistance from social workers," he said.

Regarding the material for the examination, Yogi said that he could not convey it to the public considering that this was part of the investigation process which was under the authority of investigators.

Regarding the autopsy results of Nurul Izzati's body which took place on Saturday (29/6) at the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital, it has not yet been released.

For the examination of investigators on Tuesday (2/7) in East Lombok Regency, Yogi ensured that the process went smoothly. The statements of ten witnesses consisting of seven health workers and three residents who are aware of Nurul Izzati's medical treatment process in a number of health facilities in the East Lombok area have been pocketed by investigators.

Meanwhile, Herman Sorengana, the attorney for the Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School who accompanied the examination of witnesses today at the Mataram Police, also confirmed that two of the four witnesses undergoing examination were underage female students.

"The two female students were examined with the assistance of social workers, the other two from my hut were accompanied," said Herman.

He said the examination of the four witnesses took place separately with questions of more than a dozen. The examination took place from 11.20 WITA and until 17.50 WITA it was still ongoing at the Mataram Police Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) Office.

Nurul Izzati died at the age of 13 after undergoing intensive medical treatment at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. Raden Soedjono, East Lombok Regency on Saturday (29/6).

Regarding the cause of the santriwati from Ende, East Nusa Tenggara died as one of the goals of the police in handling cases originating from reports from the parents of the late Nurul Izzati.

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