JAKARTA - The Delta Airlines flight from Detroit to Amsterdam was diverted after passengers were treated to stale food.

Delta Flight 136 was diverted to New York airport due to this issue, a Delta spokesperson said.

Officials said some of the food services in the main cabin on flights were unfit for consumption. The plane landed in New York at 4 am, Rau, July 3.

There are 277 passengers on board, but Delta officials have not released the exact number of passengers eating the staple food.

Sources familiar with the situation told New York CBS about 70 passengers 'hit sick' after eating the food.

In addition, sources said black fungus was found in some foods.

The Delta Food Safety Team has involved our suppliers to immediately isolate the product and launch a thorough investigation into the incident, said Delta Corporate Communications Spokesman Lisa Hanna.

"This is not a service Delta usually uses and we sincerely apologize to our customers for the inconvenience and delay in their journey," he added.

All passengers who were sick from basic food refused further medical treatment. After the incident was handled, the plane took off from the airport at 18.30, Wednesday, July 3.

A Delta spokesperson told CBS News airlines proactively by carefully adjusting food items on international flights.

The choice of pasta is presented to economy class passengers around 75 international flights.

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