JAKARTA - The Cakung group's jumping squirrels (bajilo) took action again to steal pieces of iron from a truck passing on Jalan Raya Bekasi, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

The iron truck was only covered with tarpaulins, making it easier for squirrels to jump to act. The perpetrators take advantage of traffic jams in action.

The theft of the bajilo was known because it was successfully recorded by one of the motorists who passed by the location. The perpetrators were recorded right at the back of the truck.

"They are very disturbing, hopefully they will be caught soon," said AA, a truck driver to reporters, Thursday, July 3.

Without fear, these batches of bajilos acted in the midst of the congestion of vehicles on Tuesday afternoon, July 2.

"Often here are usually items that are like open. Hopefully the police will immediately condition them," he said.

In the action, the gang containing three perpetrators shared their duties. One perpetrator climbed the back of the truck and lowered several iron rods. Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators were tasked with receiving and taking away the stolen iron.

The action of the bajilo herd has made the truck driver nervous. The driver hopes that the police will take firm action against the perpetrators of the bajilo mode thieves.

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