JAKARTA - A number of Jakarta students complained that their names were crossed out from the list of recipients of the Jakarta Superior Student Card (KJMU) with the distribution of phase I 2024.

Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Budi Awaluddin, explained a number of reasons why students were dropped from KJMU recipients.

KJMU will die if recipients carry out activities such as online gambling, brawls, drugs, moving domicile abroad, moving study programs (prodi) and universities.

KJMU is also crossed out if students do not achieve the target of the cumulative achievement index (CPI) according to standards, which is at least 3.0 in the social study program and 2.75 in the excise study program. "Our task is only to support and facilitate, but the success and progress of the nation is in the hands of today's generation and of course it needs to be achieved with hard work," Budi said in his statement, Wednesday, July 3.

In addition, KJMU also died for students who were declared to have graduated, exceeded the college limit of up to 10 semesters, had assets above one billion, and owned four-wheeled vehicles.

"And, it is not registered in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS) and through the Disdukcapil match," said Budi.

Budi mengklaim pendistribusian KJMU telah berjalan tepat sasaran melalui proses verifikasi beberapa perangkat daerah di lingkungan Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

"We congratulate the recipients of the KJMU Phase I in 2024. Don't waste the opportunity to go to college by doing things that harm yourself and your family at home," he said.

The DKI Provincial Government has determined that the KJMU phase I 2024 will be distributed to 15,649 Jakarta students who receive assistance. Meanwhile, in phase II of 2023, KJMU will be distributed to 19,042 students. The nominal education assistance for students is Rp. 9 million per semester.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Educational Educational Personal and Operational Funding Service Center (P4OP) Waluyo Hadi explained the reason why the number of KJMU recipients phase I in 2024 decreased from before.

One of them is a number of prospective recipient students who did not re-registered. The DKI Provincial Government previously reopened existing KJMU recipients in phase II in 2023 for distribution at the next stage due to data matching.

"When it was rescheduled with their respective accounts, it turned out that 1,221 were not re-registered. Automatically, they did not submit an application. That means, this student stage I (2024) could not," said Waluyo.

In addition, Disdik DKI has determined that 2,196 students are no longer eligible to be KJMU recipients.

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