YOGYAKARTA Speed of motion is an important key that must be possessed by athletes. Speed is obtained with many trainings that are properly directed. Mistaken exercise will trigger injury to get less than optimal results. If you want to have these results, follow some examples of correct speed exercises.

Quoted from Healthline, the right exercise to get maximum results is combining speed, energy, and strength. This means that speed training must be balanced by training energy and body strength.

Here are some examples of exercise to increase the speed of body movement. This exercise can be done alone at home, but it is recommended to remain supervised by a Personal Trainer.

This exercise is carried out with a short run with a maximum duration of 30 seconds of 1 minute. Sprint is done with low intensity at the beginning, and it is increasing gradually. Make sure you warm up first.

This exercise combines jogging and sprints. It's easy, you can start sprinting for 30 seconds then lower the intensity by chatting casually for 2 minutes. Repeat this process over several sessions.

The distance of the mile repeats is longer than the Sprint, which can start from 1.6 kilometers. This exercise is good to increase your running speed during a marathon.

Skipping or jumping rope is an exercise that helps improve your leg coordination. In order for the results to be maximized, you can learn the variation of skipping starting from the simple one.

This movement helps train the strength and durability of the lower body muscles. In addition, it helps burn calories and fat. The method is easy because it only combines jump and squat movements.

This exercise is carried out by running forward in the direction of zigzag orLOW quickly. Not only training speed, this run trains agility and trains cardiovascular systems. This exercise is carried out with cone tools and then arranged to form a zigzag pattern. Do run as much as 3 times a round.

Running tempo is a running motion with a higher tempo than you normally do and then proceeds with a slow run. Do this exercise in stages.

This movement is carried out to train flexibility, balance, and body strength. Do the squat several times in stages.

Hill training is done by running on the hill track or climbing. This exercise is quite tiring for those of you who are not used to it, but the benefits are quite large because it can increase the strength of the lower body.

Another exercise that can be done is by pushing and pulling a load of several meters. For the load and distance of the track, you can determine it gradually.

Those are some examples of proper speed training. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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