JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency carried out traffic engineering on a number of roads in Central Jakarta. This is related to the work of the Jakarta Sewerage Development Project (JDSP) Zone -1 Package 2.

JDSP is a development and management activity for domestic waste water infrastructure carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"The work of the Jakarta Sewerage Development Project Zone -1 Package 2 is entering the construction stage in the Central Jakarta Administrative City area," said Head of the DKI Transportation Agency Syafrin Liputo in his statement, Tuesday, June 2.

The construction area is on Jalan H. Fachrudin (in front of the Millennium Hotel and Tanah Abang Underpass Park) and Jalan Sutan Syahrir.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, appealed to the public to avoid congestion as much as possible to reduce traffic jams due to narrowing of road widths.

"Road users are advised to avoid these roads and be able to adjust the traffic arrangements set, obey traffic signs, instructions from officers in the field and prioritize road safety," explained Syafrin.

On Jalan H. Fachrudin in front of the Millennium Hotel, the work was carried out from May 31, 2024 to September 5, 2026. The width of the excavation area is 4x4 meters with a work fence length of 27x7.1 meters.

"To increase the capacity of roads used by the work area, road widening is carried out on the West and East sides of the work area," said Syafrin.

On Jalan H. Fachrudin at Taman Underpass Tanah Abang, the work will be carried out from May 31, 2024 to September 27, 2025. The width of the excavation area is 3.2x7.5 meters with the dimensions of the work fence around the park and will gradually reduce 1 lane on the north and south sides of the park.

"There will be a median opening of the barrier before the Tanah Abang underpass to accommodate traffic from Jalan H. Fachrudin who will go to Karet," he explained.

On Jalan Sutan Syahrir, the work time is carried out from June 5, 2024 to October 6, 2025. The width of the excavation at each point varies. However, the road can still be crossed by vehicles as wide as 3.3 meters.

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