JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden condemned the Supreme Court's decision to decide that the president has absolute immunity from the demands for official action taken.

"There is no king in America. Each of us is equal before the law. No one, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States," Biden said in a speech at the White House.

(With) the decision of the Supreme Court today regarding the president's immunity, it has changed fundamentally. Practically, there is no limit on what the president can do. This is an essentially new principle and is a dangerous precedent because power in the (Istana) office is no longer limited by law, even including the United States Supreme Court, "added Biden.

The Supreme Court, in a decision by the majority of judges (6) ruled Trump could claim immunity from criminal charges over some of the actions he took as president before leaving office.

The decision rejected a federal appeals court decision in February stating the former president had no immunity against alleged crimes he committed during his presidency to reverse the 2020 election results.

Biden has repeatedly warned that the presidential power limit is now entirely in the hands of the holder and the options he has taken. He said Trump would be a danger in the role.

The political speech comes at a critical time for Biden's campaign as he tries to allay persistent concerns about his age exacerbated by his appearance in last week's presidential debate.

His unstable performance caused anxiety among key donors and raised an uncomfortable question for the Democratic Party about whether he should remain their candidate, let alone undergo another four years at the White House.

During his speech, Biden read with enthusiasm from the teleprompter at the Cross Hall of the White House. But he did not answer the question, immediately left after his five-minute statement written in the script.

In his speech, Biden referred to the raid on the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, calling it one of the darkest days in American history.

Joe Biden said the court's decision made Trump unlikely to stand trial on criminal charges related to riots before the election.

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