JAKARTA - The brawl on Jalan Kampung Rawa Selatan, precisely near Johar Baru Sports, went viral on social media. From the video, it can be seen that a number of teenagers carrying sharp weapons such as sickles are attacking each other. Until now, the Johar Baru Police are still investigating the brawl.

"We continue to investigate the brawl that occurred yesterday at dawn. We are also increasing regional patrols to maintain security from unwanted things," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Johar Baru Police, AKP Rasyid when confirmed, Tuesday, July 2.

Furthermore, AKP Rasyid said that his party was aware of the brawl through social media circulating. The reason is, he has not received a report from the local community regarding the brawl between teenagers.

"We just found out through social media circulating in the community. No community provides information regarding the brawl," he said.

Due to this incident, said Rasyid, his party will increase security patrols in the jurisdiction of the Johar Baru Police.

This is because the brawls carried out by a number of parties are always moving and they know which locations are careless from the police.

"We continue to patrol and there are always PAM members at vulnerable points, especially in the Johar Baru Region. However, the places of the brawl always move because they brawl using Instagram, and find out which point the police are careless," he said.

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