DENPASAR - Chairman of the Bali Tourism Board (BTB) as well as tourism industry entrepreneur Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana said that currently Sanur Port, Denpasar is preparing a number of infrastructures, to support the operations of fast ships with international standards.

The launch of his ship with the standard International Maritime Organization (IMO) Global, and currently the ship has just started operating from the Serangan-Nusa Penida Port route.

"This is the Sanur-Nusa Penida Port route, currently a month to two months it is still the Attack Port because Sanur is still preparing for water and logistics for fuel, the plan is at the Matahari Terbit Beach pier there," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.

Bagus Agung said that Sanur Port, which connects with the mainland Nusa Penida, already has adequate infrastructure, but this new ship will be different from other fast boats, so it requires additional facilities.

"Currently the government is pushing for international standard regulations, we are heading there, one of which is not using fiber and is fueled by gasoline, in the future it must be transitioned," he said.

The Sanur Ferries ship belonging to the Head of BTB itself is made of aluminum and diesel fuel so it is not flammable, but a port is needed that can support the ship's needs.

According to Bagus Agung, the government's rules for the comfort and security of passengers in the future will inevitably be followed by other entrepreneurs, especially considering that Nusa Penida's tourism enthusiasts are getting higher.

"This is a differentiator, yes, the target is foreign tourists, because they want to cross to Nusa Penida more safely, also increase comfort and then the environment is maintained, benefiting local communities too," he said.

Later the presence of Sanur Ferries with a capacity of 150 seats will be a new choice at Sanur Port, they offer a luxurious experience aboard a two-deck ship that is valued at around IDR 700 thousand per package.

Deputy Governor of Bali for the 2018-2023 period as well as Chairman of PHRI Bali Tjok Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati added that apart from facilities at the pier, Sanur Port is preparing parking space infrastructure.

"We have prepared Sanur Port dock facilities, it turns out that the previous prediction has exceeded predictions, now the parking is still lacking, but in the future the plan will be made to penetrate the north so that traffic jams are resolved," he said.

Tjok Ace, as he is known, expressed his appreciation because the international standard ship that began to emerge followed the government's direction.

He hopes that in the future more tourism industry entrepreneurs, especially fast boats, will be able to follow in this footsteps, for the sake of the safety and comfort of tourists.

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