TANGERANG - Saiful Bahri, Head of RT at the location of the 72 kg of crystal methamphetamine raid, in Parung Serab, Ciledug, Tangerang said that two drug couriers with the initials R (29) and A (19) newcomers had contracted since Sunday, June 30.

"Just last night, he came at 12 pm. After that this incident," Saiful told reporters at the location, Monday, July 1.

Therefore, Saiful admitted that he did not know more clearly how many people who lived in this contract. Because they have not had time to report themselves to live in their area.

"This incident just happened, I just found out. How many people have I don't know about. It's just a report from the contractor that just moved last night. I know these 2 people," he said.

Saiful said that if he did not know at all the items in the rented house were methamphetamine which was packaged in green Chinese tea packages.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya raided a house in the Parung Serab area, Ciledug, Tangerang City, which was used as a place to store methamphetamine, Monday night, July 1.

It is known that the methamphetamine drug found at the location was seen to have been wrapped in green Chinese packaged tea, as many as 72 packs weighing an estimated 72 kilograms.

The Director of Drug Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Brigadier General Pol Hengki, said that two perpetrators had been arrested, namely R (29) and A (19).

"Successfully securing two suspects and 72 packs of methamphetamine were found," said Hengki at the raid site, Monday, July 1.

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